Witness To Evil


Witness To Evil
In the most shocking vote I’ve ever witnessed taken by the Congress, the Stalinists Democrat Party have thrown off any pretense of being civilized, caring, empathetic, loving or law abiding. They are the creepy zombies who kill anything they touch and if they can’t kill it themselves, they’ll make it happen by legislation. Do they have a mandate because they won the House?

They voted Monday evening to deny the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to live born infants under the Abortion Survivors Protection Act. That was despicable! Who are these Stalinists cretins who want to kill every living thing except condemned prisoners, that believe they have a mandate to govern and demand we accept the continued brutalization of society?

Only three Democrat Senators voted for Sen. Ben Sass’ s (R-Neb) infant protection act and I suspect because they face re-election or popularity problems, most certainly Doug Jones of Alabama, a fill in candidate embraced by the Never Trumpers to defeat Judge Roy Moore whose reputation was trashed by the RiNO’s collaboration with the Stalinists. They should beware because what goes around comes around. Sens. Bob Casey Jr. (D-Pa.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), were the other two. Republicans absent were Sens. Kevin Cramer (R-ND.), Tim Scott (R-SC.), and Lisa Murkowski (R-Ak), due to transportation problems.

Here are the words of Sen Sass’s simple act: The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would have required that “any health care practitioner present” at the time of a birth “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age.” The bill, which exempted the mother involved in the birth from prosecution, also would have required practitioners to “ensure that the child born alive is immediately transported and admitted to a hospital.” It prescribed a possible term of imprisonment of up to five years for violations, not including penalties for first-degree murder that could have applied.

I always had a notion that the Hippocratic Oath meant something to medical practitioners, but apparently no longer, so long as the Stalinists demand otherwise. President Trump, in his straightforward way, commented on the vote: “Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children. The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies after birth,” he tweeted. “This will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of Congress. If there is one thing we should all agree on, it’s protecting the lives of innocent babies.”

The Stalinists claim walls are immoral but ripping the body parts out of a newborn infant isn’t? Our hope is, as Americans, that these peace loving politicians themselves should spend a part of their day, everyday, visiting the halls of Abortion Gulags to oversee their handiwork, infants being slaughtered around them and then asking “what have I done?”

Does the Stalinist Democrat Party, now out in the open and expose as the abetters of death they have become, really believe they have a hold on the future? Are newborns to be considered carbon-footprints and every third one killed? To whom are the fresh body parts sold, and why? Who suggested the motive for harvesting bits and pieces of infants? And, with this vote, sure to be vetoed, could Kermit Gosnell demand a retrial? Does this despicable act rise to the level of the now banned practice of clubbing to death baby seals? Just asking.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Ringworm and Green Education


Ringworm and Green Education
In another stupid comment showing her intolerance of and prejudice for us Southern folks, Ocasio-Cortez demands that everyone should be covered by medicare, “because children in Alabama, she say’s, have ringworm and no one there to treat them.” Whoa, I didn’t know!

She could as easily have said “that children in New York (upstate, of course) have ringworm and there’s no one up there to treat them,” couldn’t she? It’s not because she a gifted bartender, or a cute dancer or that she’s Puerto Rican that she says such intolerantly ignorant things. No, it’s because she was taught to believe these thing in the socialist brainwashing centers called US colleges and universities. My guess is she has never visited the South and probably never will except under protective guard. Oh darn, I forget.The Mason-Dixon line does put Maryland in the South, doesn’t it? That aside, she’ll only say, her comment was “taken out of context.” Naw!

I cannot tell you how unimpressed I am with the breed of new leaders emerging from their scholastic cocoon’s to impress us with how smart they think they are. But, I have to ask, why do educated illiterates like comrade AOC, think that ringworm is a contagion only in Alabama? Is it because she believes Alabama is in the South and Southerners are therefore, mostly ignorant bible thumping, gun toting white people prone to illness, scurvy, scabies, hate, malnutrition, rednecks and ringworm, end up in the KKK and haven’t made amends since the Civil War yet?

To understand the changes going on we must realize the political terminology has been changed and we didn’t see it coming. In today’s new society they are not communists, but environmentalists and the Green New Deal is their catechism. Environmentalism is the new Marxism and it demands that industry should move swiftly away from fossil fuels that pollute the earth, and causes ringworm in Alabama, and embrace their cockamamie ideas that cost more to install and run than simply scrubbing coal dust before it enters the atmosphere. Simple!

The unvarnished truth is socialism, even in the guise of environmentalism, always fails. For example, two highly touted environmentalist programs, initiated and operated at great costs, i.e.: the California high speed train to nowhere and the giant windmill eagle blenders polluting the visual as well as the natural habitat of America’s open spaces, are already becoming liabilities to the investors that installed them and the environmental who demanded them.

California’s white elephant, the train to no where, is just that. Gov. Gavin Newsom, of the Great Socialist State of California, after having left San Francisco, where he was mayor, in a feces filled, drug infested shambles, reckons he needs more funds to impose more socialist programs on all Californians, so he abandoned AOC’s dream, the High Speed train as a financial liability leaving all American tax payers to hold the bag. Or, maybe not. Donald Trump now demands the Federal Government’s investment, all of it, be returned to the US Treasury, forthwith. You know what? He’ll get it too because Gov. Newson is a stupid Socialist who clings to the “we meant well” and “it feels good” mantra all Socialists use when they fail.

The windmills, now polluting the western prairies where I go every season, cost more in power to keep ‘em from freezing in the bitter cold months of winter, than they produce in usable energy. Residents of Falmouth, Mass., conned into accepting the wind power scheme, are now turning them off for health reason as well as for inefficiency. Who’s going to pay to take ‘em down. The western plains are littered with this junk and the costs of inefficiency are passed down to the rate payers and eventually to all Americans. Loser should pay the clean up costs.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

“My, Oh My, What A Wonderful Day”


“My, Oh My, What A Wonderful Day”
“Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay, My, oh my, what a wonderful day, plenty of sunshine headin’ our way, Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee ay” … Brilliant sunshine as a matter of fact, as the Mueller Report will soon go into historic hibernation for future presidential scholars and doctoral students to pick over for their theses’ on how not to conduct an overt act of conspiratorial political treason against a president who is demonstrably tougher than they are.

Now, that it’s all over but the shouting, what will come out of it? Arrests, trials and imprisonment I hope, but we can’t bet on it as judicial corruption now even spreads to special people, as in the case of the very stupid and untalented actor, Jussie Smollett, released without charge because, presumably, he’s a stupid, untalented black actor. But that’s another story.

The Democrat Party, having worked so hard for so long and to nearly achieve their goal of Socializing America only to have the presidential prize snatched away from them by a bunch of deplorable’s who voted for an outsider, are truly experiencing the effects of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Their behavior is exposing for all to see, the real dangers of allowing unworkable religious and political philosophies to participate in our Representative government as equals.

We have been warned that we would enter a revolutionary phase in American politics, not seen since the blood letting of the Civil War, after Obama became president; one faction fixated on enslaving the entire American population to total government control, for their own good, a sure recipe for more blood letting, while the other faction, preaching the absolute need to ‘conserve’ the Constitution as the leading light and guide of our proven Representative form of government. Alas, never the twain shall meet. We’re in a death struggle.

Out of the mishmash of contending political belief’s, burning like the nuclear core of a growing star, grew a new political faction, the elected elites, composed of idiots who believed their own propaganda that got them elected, who then hired the busy little worker bees who make the bureaucratic Deep State, safe in their sinecure of federal employment, to run the show, make rules without our elected representatives approval and start heading America into the hands of a bureaucratic state not to be meddled with…. until Trump. Dog gone it!

Long ago, the leftists consumed the Democrat party and after doing so, the Progressives consumed the liberals and now, the Progressives are being eaten by Marxists, and soon, no
doubt, the Marxists will be consumed by tyrannically driven Communists, with all the odious apparatus of the Stalinist state to protect it, like the BLM’s, Antifa’s, anarchists and nihilists.

We can sing that happy song now, but these creatures of the Left refuse to be defeated and are already seeking the high ground to pivot to another tactic to stop Trumps rampage through their tattered plans for Americas internal conquest. Pelosi talks Health Care, AOC her Green New Deal, others rants that “the economy is not working for working people,” that the nation needs to alter course so “parents can put food on the table” and “no one is left behind” and, that damn wall had better not be built. Just tugs at the heart strings, doesn’t it?

The Left simply will not admit the truth, inconvenient as it may be, that Trump’s economic boom is benefiting all working people. The truth is not one of their operative words, deceit and lies are what works for them. The Democrats are on the ropes. Now is the time to strike them hard, spare no effort to destroy them before they destroy America. The coup criminals now exposed, cannot be allowed to go free. They must be destroyed, the sooner the better.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Just Cut it Out


“Just Cut it Out”
I was flabbergasted when I read a comment, by a CNN reporter of all people, who wrote: “the Mueller report looks bad for Obama.” It was an opposing opinion (Op-Ed) by Scott Jennings, who I presume may soon be looking for a new situation.

The reason he said it is not because it was a revealed secret or a passed over comment found in some obscure document, but because it stemmed from a comment that fell from the lips of former President Obama himself, that seals the deal. When Obama learned the Russian’s were really hacking or trying to hack into American internet systems, and was asked about it in a public news conference, passed the issue off by acknowledging he knew about it and told Russia’s Premier Putin: “to just cut it out.” And that was the end of that, until the Mueller Report came out this week concluding an investigation that began in 2014.

That so called investigation of 2014 was, in fact, the first action pre-emptive assault to protect Obama’s legacy from Republican attacks, like a “frogmen” sneaking up on a beach before an attack to lay traps and collect information. Mueller’s appointment, after Trump became President, was akin to the noisy beach landings of a full force attack on the enemy. As it turns out the enemy is us, or at least those designated to protect us, the FBI, DoJ, DCI and the IRS.

This all happened on Obama’s watch. He cannot deny it and the press won’t report it, but Scott Jennings did and he pulled the scab off the wound. If Hillary had won, It wouldn’t have made any difference, but she didn’t, and now it’s the SHTF moment and it’s fun watching the rats scurrying for cover. DC is the place now for a good lawyer to sharpen his spurs. $$$$!

Apart from the Mueller Report exonerating our President from accusations of colluding with the Russians and interfering with a criminal investigation (obstructing justice), just what have we learned? Well, Obama’s incompetence as a President for a start. His inept posture toward Russia’s Putin, driven by his criminal behavior in his nuclear negotiations with Iran, even to bribing them with billions in ransom money under the guise of repayment of their own impressed funds, a deal that was a singularly disastrous foreign policy act which President Trump recognized immediately as inimical to the best interests of America and ended. So was Obama’s Arab Spring nonsense, his Libyan disaster, his Fast & Furious debacle and Obamacare, among others.

People are going to prison. Bet on it! In their earnest efforts to find, or create a crime which they could hang on Trump to impeach him, the FBI and the DoJ exposed themselves to be as equally inept as criminals as Obama was a president. Their very acts over two years doubtless must fall within the definition of a “conspiracy to commit treason.” Who can deny it, yet, the feckless Democrats, as all villains are want to do when they lose, attack the messenger.

AG, Bill Barr didn’t investigate Trump or his campaign, Mueller did! FBI Dir. Comey, conspiring with his henchmen, McCabe, Strzok, Lynch, Page, Brennen, Clapper, & et.al., launched the coup attack against Trump as a full fledged assault to disallow the vote of the American people. That was criminal. Even at this very minute Democrat dumbass, Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, continues to insist that Trump colluded with the enemy and he had proof. Where is it and what was this whole exercise really about, anyway? There is no proof. It was an exercise in hiding Obama’s incompetence and his administration’s failures. So, to you Democrats, I say: “just cut it out!”
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Winston George Hackney: Obituary

Winston George Hackney

June 20, 1949 – November 12, 2018

Mr. Winston G. Hackney, 69 of Chatsworth, passed away Monday, November 12, 2018 at his residence.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Deborah L. Hackney; son, Waylon Keith Hackney; father, George Washington Hackney.

Survivors include his son, Michael Shane Hackney; daughters and son-in-law, Sherry Renee Sane, Angela Marcia and Eric Mullinax all of Chatsworth; mother, Clara Sue Carter of Dalton; sister, Katherine Susann Hackney of Gordon Co.; Grandchildren, Terry, Andrew, Shelby, Angelia, Katie, Harley, Christopher, Nikki, Starr, Bubba, and Ashley; several great grandchildren; special friends, Edward Joseph Garmley and James Weaver; extended family also survives.

Funeral Services to celebrate the life of Mr. Hackney will be held Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. from the Chapel of Peeples Funeral Home with Bro. Sammy Randolph officiating. Interment will follow in the Varnell Cemetery.

The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 1:00 p.m. until the service hour.

Peeples Funeral Home & Crematory of Chatsworth is in charge of the arrangements for Mr. Winston G. Hackney.

Short Takes – Coming Up, the SOTU


Tonight, President Trump will give his first State of the Union speech. It should be a doozy. I
expect it to be a complete success because every speech Trump has made has been a signal
success, except to the Marxists acolytes of the media and the Democrat party.
The Democrat party is in disarray. As things are now going, with the departures of many “deep
state” congressmen and senators of both parties, plus the coming departures of many of the
higher echelons of the FBI and the DoJ, complicit in the pro-Hillary, anti-Trump cabal, reflects
that another of Trumps campaign promises is being fulfilled, draining the “Swamp.”
He will not mention these tawdry issues in his speech because the President is focused on
success. He will remind people of his successes with the growing economy, the reduction of the
regulation state, the collapse of Obamacare, the leveling of free trade policies and the legislative
horror that is illegal immigration being reconstructed on his terms. He will focus also on the
necessity of refunding the military to face off against the Islamic forces that endanger America.
This SOTU speech could actually be rather short because the media have already told us
what’s wrong with the present state of the Union claiming that it’s Trumps fault, but they can’t
argue against the growing success that really is Trumps fault. The media continues to deny that
the Democrats and Obama specifically, had any responsibility for the economic success
America is now experiencing.
Trump’s been in office one year and the economy shot off like a rocket. The incompetent,
feckless Obama stepped up and attempted to claim credit for it and was all but was laughed off
the stage. He’s as silly as Hillary and her “Never Ending Story,” who showed up to cheers at the
sad Grammy awards ceremony to continue her screed that she was cheated out of the
Presidency. She’s the gift that keeps on giving. The Grammys turned out to be a far left wing
televised Hollywood political rally to continue the assault on Donald Trump.
The left, under the leadership of the high ranking theologians of the church of Progressive
policy, Schumer, Durbin, Feinstein and Pelosi, are reeling in confusion wondering what’s
slapped them in the face. It was Trump and the SOTU speech should add fuel to the fire that is
consuming them.
I believe the President will be polite to the Democrats inviting them to help him solve the
immigration problem. Democrats will call, as they always do, for “comprehensive bipartisan
legislation” to help those “Dreamer” children remain here and become citizens. Trump will offer
the hand of agreement and they will refuse it. Schumer has already lost that battle but the
deranged far left will badger him into committing another error in calculation.
Trump is anything but stupid. He understands the power of words, maybe not how to use them
himself, but how others use them. “Comprehensive” is a word Trump knows simply means
capitulation to Democrat demands for amnesty. He will not going there.
Finally, the FISA memo may have been released by today. Trump will ignore it. He’s already
made his case against allegations of collusion and, the Mueller Investigation, apart from being
cluttered up with Hillary acolytes, is becoming a bore to the public. Time is on Trumps side. He’s
making America great again.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em.

State National 5/9/16


A bleak or bright future?


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