UN Agenda 21 Scheme, Coming to a State Near You


Headline: “Smart Regions Bypass Elected Officials To Implement Regional Governance.”
While we fretted over Judge Kavanaugh, the Michael hurricane and such, the inexorable march
of the New World Order presses on. If this headline didn’t alarm you, read their plan: “A new
and purely Technocrat invention to impose unelected regionalism that will soon sweep
the nation, if it’s not stopped.

Phoenix, Az., is the pilot model with over 30 cities and 4.7 million citizens. Three non-
governmental organizations are simply rising up as a coalition to dominate the entire region, set
policies and implement plans relating to Smart City technology. This is all BS. There is no public
mandate or authority for these actions.” It’s all the UN’s Agenda 21 in operation and it should not
come a surprise because its been thrown out there. for all to read. Reading is over. Political
action is now needed to protect our Constitutional freedoms.

The Phoenix Arizona public-private partnership scheme includes the Arizona State University
Center for Smart Cities and Regions (CSCR). The Arizona Institute for Digital Progress (IDP) a
university with no public status at all, is a private group, and the Greater Phoenix Economic
Council, also a non elected, exists only as a Public-Private Partnership scheme.

ASU will serve as the research and testbed role for the Phoenix Smart Region Initiative, drawing
upon the university’s leftist intellectual talent, to craft a “smart cities digital road map” by the end
of October, 2018. This collaboration strengthens the relationships between our duly elected
policymakers, and non elected schemers dedicated to growing innovation in the region.

“Funding will come from public, city and industry membership, as well as from the Arizona State
University. IDP and ASU will manage the civic and public engagement while the Greater
Phoenix Economic Council will focus on industry engagement.

Make no mistake, this is the UN Agenda 21 coming to life. These schemes will theoretically
make it appear Constitutional so, as affected citizens, all we can do is scream at our local
elected representatives and they’ll simply say we voted for our leaders by honest elections.
Resistant local governments at every level, will be suborned, bribed, and/or threatened to come
on board as important elected representatives, to contribute our tax money to support these UN
New World Order initiatives. According to the report, management will be provided by unelected
people in the ASU, those same institutions that produce the “snowflakes, AntiFa’s, the
demented pink hatted women and the SJW’s that attack us constantly.

When I hear that word “Coalition”, I think of communist schemes. Words like diversity,
multiculturalism, inclusion and “coalition” sparks a sense of danger in my mind. If ideas like
these take hold, they will be near impossible to eradicate.

The Russians tried it, the Cuban’s tried it, Cambodians tried it, Venezuela is trying it and even
China uses it. China, so far successful, is an Orwellian electronic spy state of people control.
America simply can’t become like that but that’s the only way the One World Government
scheme can succeed, unelected bureaucrats daily controlling how we live. Consider the political
and economic mess in the European Union, a prime example of a failed New World Order
scheme. It’s starting here, in America, in Phoenix, Arizona.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (14Oct18)

Andrew Breitbart and exposing ACORN


Andrew Breitbart was a Conservative activist, journalist, author, editor, radio personality and the list goes on. He understood the Left so much so that he knew exactly how to intimidate the Left. Breitbart even referred to John Podesta as his mortal enemy. He also supported the exposure of corruption of ACORN that catalyzed the downfall of its reputation and ensuing bankruptcy. You can watch the documentary, Hating Breitbart, to better understand who he was and what his legacy stands for today. It was reported that he died from natural causes on 1 March 2012, and the peculiar timing of his death has sparked much speculation.


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Andrew Breitbart and exposing ACORN


Andrew Breitbart was a Conservative activist, journalist, author, editor, radio personality and the list goes on. He understood the Left so much so that he knew exactly how to intimidate the Left. Breitbart even referred to John Podesta as his mortal enemy. He also supported the exposure of corruption of ACORN that catalyzed the downfall of its reputation and ensuing bankruptcy. You can watch the documentary, Hating Breitbart, to better understand who he was and what his legacy stands for today. It was reported that he died from natural causes on 1 March 2012, and the peculiar timing of his death has sparked much speculation.


Snowden: A Hero or a Traitor Part ll

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Is Snowden a hero or a traitor? The NSA Stellar Wind program violated constitutional rights. Why is an American, who is revealing an illegal program, punished? Edward is still in asylum in Russia. Will Trump compromise with Snowden when Putin hands over Snowden?


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