The Kalergi Plan of Population Replacement


I’m a big believer in cause and effect. This fellow who shot up the Garlic Festival in earthquake prone Gilroy, Ca., a nineteen year old white male, a fact that makes the Leftist media happy, clearly had a serious societal problem and it’s wasn’t firearms. That he is also dead makes the Left’s narrative the primary one for the publics consumption. Just another check off in the Left’s growing attacks against America’s white European culture and heritage (white privilege) to be replaced with third world peoples, their cultures and heritage. 

After the Gilroy murders, the media reported that police, in a search of the culprits premises, found white supremacy materials, an 1800’s era book “Might Makes Right,” by Ragnar Redbeard, thus confirming the left’s narrative that white people are the source of all evil in the world. What the media failed to mention however was that police also found Islamic Jihadists materials there as well. So, what’s it going to be, a disgruntled white supremacists or a killer jihadist? Take a WAG on that one!  

To really understand what’s going on here, we must consider the unopposed mass migrations of third world people into Europe and now, with the Democrats help, into America. I recommend one should acquaint themselves with The Great Replacement: An Introduction to Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi” aka: The Kalergi Plan of population replacement.” Once you read it, it should send shivers up your spine. It’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s now actually in practice.

The Gilroy shooter, whether he knew it or not, was helping the Progressives to implement the “Kalergi Plan of population replacement.” The first step of supplanting European white citizens with people of color is to politically divide the races and isolate whites, as we are witnessing now among the Democrat Candidates for President and AOC’s blathering’s. It’s the old us vs. them  trick. The second step is to label their opponents derogatorily, as “white supremacists, Nazi’s or neo-Nazi’s or far-right extremists.” Don’t we hear that every day? The Gilmore shooter whether he understood it or not, acted as a justice vigilante, a frequent tactic of Jihadists willing to die perpetrating their deeds as justice against infidels.

Another thing the media failed to report that police found in searching the Gilroy shooters digs, was evidence that preparations for a “massive attack” were being contemplated. His equipment included a gas mask, bulletproof vest, computer hard drives, the book described above, as well as Jihadists materials.

While the shooter is dead and the police, presumably the FBI, are checking the disks found in the shooters home, the media is not dead and remains a clear and present danger to an  uninformed public who don’t know what’s coming. Why does the media ignore the Islamic Jihadist connections and play up the white supremacists angle? 

Looking for the answer, we need go no further than Kalergi, who wrote: “The man of the future will be of mixed race. Todays races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. Instead of destroying European Judaism, Europe against her will, refined and educated this people, driving them to their future status as a leading nation through this artificial evolutionary process. It’s not surprising that the people that escaped from the Ghetto-prison, became the spiritual nobility of Europe. As a people, Jews experience the eternal struggle of quantity against quality; inferior groups against superior individuals; inferior majorities against superior minorities.”  What Kalergi meant was, that peace wasn’t possible in Europe as long as separate ethnocentric nations existed in violent competition with each other. Kalergi thought individual nations and borders should disappear and to making that happen a European superstate (EU?) should be created. He also thought that the more intelligent Jews would end up ruling Europe.

For the future, Kalergi envisioned that individual European societies would be watered down by miscegenation and a new breed of easy-to-control “mongrels” created. Kalergi, son of an Austrian Count and a Japanese mother, maintained close relationships with Europe’s aristocrats and political class and was able to obtain the co-operation of many influential leaders. After the war, he brought them on board with his plans to create a “United States of Europe.” Both FDR and Winston Churchill thought Kalergi’s plan had merit.   

Churchill even gave a speech in Zurich, Switzerland in 1946 when he said: “We must build a kind of United States of Europe. Much work has been done upon this task by the exertions of the Pan-European union which owes so much to Count Coudenhove-Kalergi. The structure of the United States of Europe, if well and truly built, will be such as to make the material strength of a single state less important. Small nations will count as much on large ones and gain their honor by their contribution to the common cause.”…Well, there we are, the EU.

Fascist Islam isn’t all that interested in having a Jewish Europe ruling over them. They’ll settle for miscegenation until they have enough voters to democratically create a Caliphate, but with no Jews.

Then came Trump followed by the UK’s Boris Johnson and Brexit. We’re in for a long, hard ride and it could be brutal. Be ready. Inform yourselves and never give up.


Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! 


Feminism As A Weapon


The screaming attacks by brainwashed ninny’s on US Senators over the Kavanaugh
confirmation vote, no matter how the media tries to frame it, it still remains that ignorant young
women of college age, many quite probably Georgetown students or grads, infected with the
disease of Marxist feminism, have been rallied to the Anti-Fa cause to destroy, on the
Democrats behalf, a singular individual whose personal testimony by practice and example,
stands as a threat to their advancement of Socialism. America must be feminized!

Their argument is: ‘What counts is only what women say and women, therefore, must be
believed.’ Men are grouped collectively as sexist, immoral pigs with no legitimate reason to exist
except to obey and procreate on demand. “Otherwise they can just shut up and go away.” I
wonder how many real mothers will subscribe to that notion? How many moral, happy families
will be adversely affected by this philosophy when their own children go to college.

Like the anti-fascists, these organized squadrons of feminist Amazons, financially supported by
the George Soros organization, Hillary Clinton’s backers and other anti-Trump PAC’s, can be
thrown into the breach of any social conflict when numbers and loud voices are needed to kill an
unpopular proposal, mangle an idea, intimidate politicians and bully conservatives.

Several years ago, Rush Limbaugh revealed his list of life’s undeniable truths. I forget how
many there were but one I recall was “feminism was invented so ugly women could have sex.” It
also required beer. But, alas, lo these many years later they apparently still haven’t got the sex
they wanted so now, by God, nobody can have any, or beer either for that matter because it
harms women.

In a change of tactics, the Democrat derangement syndrome has refocused on women the
Democrats are fast losing to conservatism, including American women of African descent. They
are desperate to recapture the issue of women as victims while at the same time, using the
power of the scream to destroy Trump’s second conservative Supreme Court nominee from
he rightful elevation to that high bench. He is too dangerous to them on several levels.

In light of the scurrilous charges made against judge Kavanaugh as an individual alleging that,
when he was a teen age boy thirty-six years ago he attempted to fondle a teenage female, by
today’s standards is a complete violation of the feminists rules against fraternization between the
sexes for any reason. In consequence, these hoards of failed female sexless vampires have
descended on Congress to bully and inflame passions against only one person, judge
Kavanaugh, like it was he and he alone who was responsible for them not getting laid.

So, according to the new feminist mantra, if one is a teenage white male who matriculated
through the American school system(s) without being sufficiently indoctrinated, then he is
automatically disqualified from high office. If he drinks beer he’s disqualified from any office.

The shameful thing is that many of these “feminists” who graduated from their schools of
Marxist indoctrination are now professors in those colleges and universities promulgating the
very anti-man hatred that may soon be visited on them. An unleash feminist mob, without a
mans steady guiding hand, will naturally turn to screaming idle threats, wearing silly pink hats
glorifying the vagina’s they don’t use, and wearing their voices hoarse screaming at men who
will pay them no attention. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go
get ‘em! (06Oct18)

How To Dupe A Whole Nation


How to Dupe a Whole Nation

Remember when Obama promised over and over in his campaign for President, that he wanted to “fundamentally change America.” He was mouthing the Marxist goal for a Socialist society. In the frenzy of having a (nearly) black candidate running for president, the organs of Marxist propaganda, the Main Street Media, shouted out the narrative that Obama’s election would bring an end to America’s divisiveness at last, and usher in an era of multiculturalism and diversity that would ease our tensions and, we would all rejoice and be happy.

In doing so, Obama shoved the long suffering Hillary Clinton right off the pages of history as America’s first female president in favor of America’s first black president. Hillary has been scheming for decades to achieve the pinnacle of power, President of the United States, and Obama snatch it away from her. Eight years later, so did Donald Trump.

Obama, in many ways, nearly succeeded because politically, he was a Marxists but, you can’t sell Marxism, it has to be imposed, slowly. He had to change this country to Socialist first. In retrospect, as casual observers, we have witnessed some of the techniques used, and are still being used, to accomplish that goal. Here are a few of them:  

  1. Infiltrate and subvert one of the political parties in the United States. Attack the other one until it is rendered powerless by mocking indecision.
  2. Infiltrate the courts with judges who will rule on law, not as the Constitution demands, but as “the people” feel about the law. These decisions weaken American institutions by ruling moral and religious activities violate citizens civil rights and claiming that it’s not “fair.” This includes promoting sexual deviancy and inclusiveness as the new normals.
  3. Gain control of the schools. Use them to propagandize the little children to view socialism and communism as the goal for a happy future for all.
  4. Ease educational requirements so even the most illiterate can achieve success. Participation trophies for all.
  5. Gain control of teachers’ unions and put the party line in textbooks.
  6. Gain control of student newspapers, claim free speech is unlawful and demand censorship of competing ideas, speakers and publications.
  7. Use student riots (useful idiots) to foment public protests against programs or organizations that do not support the Socialist/Communist multicultural platform for change.
  8. Infiltrate the Media from the top down including control of book-reviews, editorial writing and policy-making positions.  
  9. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and Hollywood, and….
  10. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading its history, claiming its Constitution is out of date, approve all forms of artistic expression that glorifies multiculturalism and socialism, and censure those that do not.

We still hear the term “One World Government.” It’s the dream of a coalition of multinational companies, banks, and International financial firms. People from these organizations have long infiltrated and influenced Western governments around the world and yet, they are not victims of violent change. Why? Because they are the source of that violent change and the street rioters, student activists and even kneeling football players are all their useful idiots in their game of top down control, a “Dictatorship of the elite disguised as a dictatorship of the proletariat.”

Hillary missed the boat. She will not lead our country. She will go no further and her dark place in US history has been affirmed. Stick a fork in her, she’s done!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (29 Oct 2017)

Short Takes – Abdication



The decline of America’s two political parties is not a surprise. They have cheated America’s voters leaving them searching for Constitutional alternatives. The GOP’s abdication of its conservative principles presents a signal problem that can no longer be ignored; problems that voters saw coming and attempted to fix in 2012, 2014 and 2016, without success, is evidence enough that the GOP is broken and represents nobody except themselves. They don’t want to do anything lest they rock the boat and lose favor with their money suppliers and the media. The GOP has clearly abdicated its role as America’s conservative party. In other words, there isn’t one any more. They GOP elites didn’t get the message.

The Marxist controlled Democrat party holds no effective power in government except to act as obstructionists. Their leadership is composed of geriatric, old Marxists and Progressives, products of the 1960’s anti-Vietnam war era, still searching for the magic formula that will enable them to complete their socialization America, interrupted by Donald Trump. Count them gone.

For Conservatives, the Republican party has long claimed they held the key to salvation until we learned, and are still learning, that they are in fact liars, cheats and shills for big government and the cash that flows from it. There are some serious exceptions like David Perdue, Tom Cotton, Mike Lee and maybe even Tom Cruz. The party has more than its share of treacherous villains like the unprincipled John McCain and feckless leftist, Susan Collins among others, who join the Democrats in obstructing the Conservative agenda, that Donald Trump seized and gave voice to the deep concerns of many Americans about the direction the socialists were taking America.

How do we solve the problem? A new party? Nope!  No matter what it’s called a new party will simply not work. The Libertarians have been out there for years and have not advanced above the popularity level they first achieved since the beginning. I agree they are Constitutional conservatives, with exceptions, and it’s those exceptions that have them stalled in third place.

The only course available for conservative Republicans, independents and Democrats alarmed at the deceit of the Ruling Caste, is to replace the old GOP, member by member, in primary challenges by conservative candidates until the whole rotten GOP house of cards collapses.  

Why? Because that’s where the money is. That’s where the donations come to, that’s the crucible of corruption, that’s the seat of power and that’s the swamp Trump wants to drain. It must be done and it can’t be done from outside. The formation of new parties with their petty individual demands, would turn America into a squabbling cacophony of incompetent, third rate politicians, a mirror image example of the socialist European Union, especially Germany.  

Conservative Americans want a return of their personal liberty and respect for their individual achievements. The GOP is not giving it, but Trump is. He has identified several issues that will restore those lost liberties: eliminating Obama’s regulatory state, cutting taxes, creating jobs, enforcing immigration laws, and attempting to fix the Republican healthcare fiasco. Trump is trying to reshape policy in these areas, as Americans want. Apparently the GOP won’t help but insist that they, acting as our ruling class, are too important to be removed.

Trump’s success will positively impact America for generations to come. Can there be a constitutional renewal in America? Not if our betters have anything to say about it. It’s time to replace them. We can start by re registering as Independents. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (25Sep17)

Short Takes – Treachery Rewarded?


Deep within the hidden recesses of the Pentagon, lurks a nondescript DoD group called the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency, the lead agency apparently, for interviewing recovered, rescued or deserter prisoners of war, and other captives.

Among their latest achievements, is realizing the fall out gathered from interviews (interrogations?) of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. A lead representative of that group,Terrance Russell, gave evidence at Bergdahl’s sentencing that the deserter/traitor provided a “gold mine” of useful intelligence about the militants who held him captive for years in Pakistan. Well, so did Mata Hari!

Russell testified that Bergdahl’s decision to abandon his post in 2009 produced an unintended consequence, by revealing the tactics used by the Taliban, their methods of imprisoning captured soldiers and, presumably, their own interview techniques. As a result, military doctrine on how to avoid capture and evade, and escape if captured, was updated.

I wonder at what point, after Bergdahl’s return in Obama’s infamous trade deal, did the “interrogations” of Bergdahl cease and the thrust change to “interviews” by Russell’s JPRA group?  Because of the seriousness of Bergdahl’s offense any interrogations would be under Miranda warning as criminal. So, who decided to cease ‘Interrogations’ for criminal offenses in favor of ‘interviews’ simply to update military doctrine on escape and evasion? Has justice really been served? I ask because in my twenty-one years career as a military CE/CI/Criminal investigator, we had to be sensitive to the direction any investigation could take. In Bowe Bergdahl’s case, his desertion directly caused the deaths and injuries of other US soldiers.

Russell, whose group produces training and doctrine materials, testified that “Bergdahl’s debriefing added to lessons taught to US troops and allied militaries,” adding that Bergdahl still has intelligence that has yet to be collected that could still help troops in Afghanistan. Of course, now it’s too late. Bergdahl will be on the run hiding from the retribution that will seek him out.

I’m not faulting Terrance Russell or his information collection group for doing their jobs. His work helps keep military field doctrine up to date. It’s a necessary element of theater survival that all troops need to know. Russell’s enthusiasm for doing his job properly is also revealed when he said:  “can you give him to me now? I need him now. I needed him three years ago,” “The fact I can’t get that information is wrong.” Russell testified that he had debriefed more than 120 American captives, more than any other US official….Source: Washington Post. 31Oct17 .  

The defense appeared to use testimony from Russell and a former Defense Intelligence Agency analyst, to suggest that there is a national security interest in showing Bergdahl leniency. US

Army Col. Jeffery R. Nance, the presiding judge, apparently thought that Bergdahl’s potential punishment, life imprisonment, was simply too much for this army snowflake as he had already suffered enough under the Taliban.

So, the rehabilitation of Bowe Bergdahl, who pleaded guilty Oct. 16 to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy begins. However, there is another unintended consequence: the resentment remains and will fester. How does injustice match resentment? By what remaining Obama values are soldiers to be assuaged of Bergdahl’s crimes? When did mistreatment by the enemy mitigate justifiable punishment of an offenders true crimes? Don’t you wonder too?

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (08Nov2017)

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