Categories: Opinion

As Goes the NFL, So Goes Middle America

As Goes the NFL, So Goes Middle America

Apparently, from what I read and hear, the fast spreading flames of customer discontent to the NFL’s anti-American, anti-Veteran, anti-police position, because it is taking a “unity” stance with its over paid employees, could bring that august industry to near financial collapse. Unlike the GOP whose coming collapse is occasioned by its demonstrable untrustworthiness, the NFL’s demise will be financial. Follow the money. Sadly, I don’t think they see it coming.

The NFL, a major consumer of a large portion of middle American’s declining pot of left-over earnings, dollars left untaxed by government rules and regulations, Obamacare mandates, groceries and gasoline, is facing a catastrophe. The daily struggle to exist cost money. Nothing is free, bills must be paid and those free dollars can as easily be spent elsewhere.

Middle America not only supplies the vast earnings enjoyed by sports franchises, vendors and jersey manufactures, but it also supplies the soldiers, sailors and airmen whose job it is is to keep America safe so its citizens can enjoy the diversion of watching over paid athletes bash each other once a week in a fest of organized mayhem; or tip a little ball into a net.

In our economy, leftover from the Obama era, middle American’s exists on a shoe string, the string ends cut shorter and shorter every time Liberals gets control of the governments purse strings. Americans don’t like it, but accept it, so, to simply exist requires that they spend their free money wisely. So, the smart thing to do, one should think, is to not mess with their patriotism and treat fans like morons. The first expenses to go is that spent on entertainment.

Middle Americans entertainment dollars are spent on beer, fishing, big trucks, BBQ, the NFL and the NBA. So far fish, big trucks and Bass boats have not registered protests to Americas traditions of rendering respect to our flag, our anthem or our military. If pro sports organizations continue the trend of disrespect to those traditions, then they can expect their share of middle Americas entertainment dollars to dwindle away.

I’m not at all conflicted by what’s going on here. It’s Progressive (Marxist) politics, attacking one more of America’s remaining religious institutions, organized pro-sports. They have all but eliminated the Christin religion from our culture, so, the next “opiate of the working class,” NFL and NBA pro sports, has to go as well. Already we are seeing the trickle down effect of the disrespect the NFL is showing to America’s traditions, eight year old pee wee footballers, “taking “the knee” and wondering why. They are being taught to hate America.

That Alabama’s conservative electorate chose Judge Roy Moore to face a Democrat challenger in December over appointed Republican incumbent Luther Strange, despite the President and Vice-Presidents support of Strange, signals more problems for Mitch McConnell than for Donald Trump. That the issue rises just when the Pro Football season is just getting underway, with its unfolding political problems, is a threshold moment that bears close watching. We can suppose Trumps endorsement of Strange was a sop to McConnell to appease his hurt feelings.

The NFL, on the other hand, enters the fray at their peril. They are an entertainment business, not a political one. They need money and lots of it to pay their mostly unenlightened work force the outrageous millions of dollars the players demand. Middle America knows the difference between entertainment and politics. They want ‘em separate. Hollywood is also facing a loss of its entertainment share because they have become political too.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (27Sep17)

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